Wednesday, June 13, 2007



Kepada Yth :
Rekan-rekan kami semua
dimana pun Anda berada



Kita semua pasti mempunyai Rencana Masa Depan satu tahun atau dua tahun lagi ingin seperti apa dan semua itu harus cepat terwujud dan sukses , karena hanya orang-orang sukses yang dapat membangun , membentuk dan membina keluarga harmonis ( Sehat, Sejahtera, Bahagia, Berjiwa Sosial dan Bertanggung jawab ).
Pada kesempatan ini kami mewakili Perusahaan Amerika yang terdaftar di NASDAQ dengan rating ‘ 5A1 ‘ dan Fortune 500 sebagai “ TOP 100 List” yaitu
Synergy WorldWide [ Nature’s Shunshine Product ]

kami ingin berbagi informasi mengenai Peluang Bisnis yang sedang HOT saat ini, Anda bisa memiliki sebuah usaha sendiri dengan system on-line gratis dan dibantu oleh Support System SynerPROF yang sudah tersedia dan teruji.

Dengan usaha ini Anda juga bisa mewujudkan apa-apa yang menjadi Prioritas Utama Dalam Hidup Anda ?
Hidup Sehat , Memiliki rumah pribadi , Memiliki usaha sendiri
Menjalani Masa Pensiun Dengan Tenang, Jalan-jalan ke luar negeri
Memiliki Lebih Banyak Waktu
Kebebasan Dalam Segi Keuangan
Meninggalkan Warisan
Memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik bagi putra-putri Anda
Menyelesaikan Pembangunan Rumah Ibadah Anda
Membantu Orang Lain
Jika Anda telah memiliki rencana-rencana diatas,
Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah :
Bagaimana cara Anda mewujudkan Rencana Masa Depan Anda ?
Apakah Bisa … ? Anda Pasti Bisa …
Ataukah Anda masih ragu-ragu dengan potensi yang Anda miliki !!!
Anda Pasti Bisa ….
Apakah Pasti Bisa ? PASTI Apakah Mungkin ? PASTI
Melalui proposal ini, kami menawarkan sebuah peluang usaha yang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai kendaraan untuk mewujudkan rencana-rencana masa depan Anda tersebut.

Kami telah kirimkan proposal kami lewat E-mail Anda , silahkan :
Cermati BUSINESS PROPOSAL ini dari awal sampai akhir ,
download file Powerpoint di e-mail Anda ( klik kanan pilih SHOW )
Jika Anda berminat apalagi ingin mengetahui rahasia sukses dalam kesempatan ini hubungi segera TEAM ZEROTOHERO 0819 1610 7665
Kami membuka kritik & saran dan Anda bisa selidiki / pelajari dulu
di website

Demikian semoga Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberkati kesuksesan kita semua.
Hormat kami


Nama Team Member : Annys Zulailla Atika
ID Number : 10 13 0 45

Synergy Worldwide

The Synergy Story

By David M. Call

Synergy WorldWide was created to do what other companies have not done, to offer the best of the business world by combining: the financial opportunity of the network-marketing industry with the far more credible approach of the personal growth and development programs.

Very few people believe Synergy WorldWide can accomplish this task. "After all," they argue, "you are going against the traditions of a billion-dollar industry." Synergy has experienced phenomenal success. Ranked the No. 8 fastest-growing company in America by Dun & Bradstreet in Entrepreneur magazine's June 2000, Synergy knows a secret that most network-marketing companies don't want their distributors to know.

One fact of network-marketing is some distributors experience incredible success, and others fail miserably. The reason for this is paramount to understanding why Synergy WorldWide is destined to succeed, while companies who don't change are destined to fail. It revolves around a credibility issue and a secret that most network marketing companies just as soon keep quiet.

The key to success has very little to do with the credibility of the company and almost everything to do with the credibility of the individual.

The credibility of the company is important, but it is of little significance when compared to the credibility of the individual. The company wants you to think that you can succeed no matter who you are or what you have become. That simply is not true. If you personally lack credibility it matters little how credible the company is . . . you'll have a very difficult time succeeding in this industry. This industry has been tainted over the years by over-zealous distributors and by unfulfilled promises. The industry itself lacks credibility, in spite of the fact that there are many people out there making a great deal of money in network-marketing companies.

However, imagine if Bill Gates (the owner and founder of Microsoft) were to call you on the phone and ask you to come to a network-marketing opportunity meeting at his home. Would you care what the name of the company was, about the type of products to be marketed, or what the details of the compensation plan were? Likely not. If Bill Gates were to put out the invitation the entire network-marketing world would show up in his living room purely out of respect to who and what he is.

Try this experiment for yourself. The next time you hold an opportunity meeting in your home ask your guests why they came? Nine times out of ten it will have nothing to do with the business opportunity and everything to do with who you are and what you represent. In other words, it is purely out of respect to you that they have come and not because they want to get involved in a network-marketing business. This is why some people succeed in this industry and others fail. Some people, like Bill Gates, have the credibility to fill their living room with family, friends, and business acquaintances; while others cannot even get their own family to listen to the opportunity. This is why network marketing is so difficult for young people, because they haven't had the time or the maturity to earn the credibility necessary to succeed in this industry. No one believes them, because no one believes in them.

The marketing philosophy behind Synergy WorldWide developed from the following idea: combine the marketing approach of the Personal Growth and Development Industry (i.e. Covey Leadership, IDDI, Anderson Consulting, etc.) with the business opportunity of the Network Marketing Industry. This was an equation that was destined for incredible success.

It became obvious that no one within this industry was going to take these ideas seriously and if they were to be implemented, the founders would have to set up their own company and implement their own ideas. What began as a little seed quickly took root and became a living reality-Synergy WorldWide.

The first step was to meet with potential investors and raise the necessary capital to finance the new company. Unfortunately, no investor was willing to take the risk of investing in a network-marketing venture. It became apparent that the founders would have to finance this venture themselves. This was a difficult decision, because if it failed, it would mean financial ruin for all involved. However, the premise was so attractive and had so much potential, the decision was made to proceed.

Knowing that failure would be financially catastrophic it was critical to open in the best possible market. Funds were limited, and only one market could be established. A wrong decision at this point would prove disastrous.

The decision was made to begin operations in Japan. This decision surprised many people. After all, most companies first begin operations in the United States and only after proving themselves there do they expand into the Asian market. The decision do the opposite was made for several reasons.

It is commonly known that true success in this industry is rooted in Asia - particularly in Japan. What this means is that while success in the United States is certainly an accomplishment, until a company has proven itself in Japan it has not truly proven itself at all. If Synergy could establish itself in Japan, then the rest of the world markets would fall in line.

The other important consideration was which market was best suited to the unique Synergy philosophy. Synergy WorldWide takes this business very seriously. However, not every one agrees with this serious attitude. In the United States, for example, network marketing is viewed by many as more of a game than as a business-with expectations focused on earning enormous commissions with the promise of little or no effort on the part of the distributors. This attitude has created a very poor image throughout this industry. In Japan, however, the industry is taken seriously and is treated as a legitimate business-not a game.

Synergy WorldWide decided to begin operations in Japan rather than the United States out of respect to the Japanese work ethic and their willingness to build a serious business. Knowing that Japan was a benchmark of success made it an obvious choice where to launch operations. Success in Japan is an enormous accomplishment and has proven to be a tremendous boost to Synergy's image throughout the world.

Prior to the market launch in Japan, a very important meeting took place at the Utah headquarters with the Japanese leaders. The significance of this meeting has been shared as part of our Synergy Story with visitors from around the world. These Japanese leaders flew into Utah at their own expense and on their own time; thus, the importance of the meeting was felt from the very beginning. The meeting began with an exchanging of gifts and other formalities that are a part of Japan's rich culture and business protocol.

After this pleasant exchange, the discussion got underway. It soon became apparent that traditional formalities and cultural differences were impeding progress. Although both parties desired to communicate with each other effectively, it seemed as nothing was being accomplished. If Synergy was to launch Japan properly, it was essential that these barriers be overcome. Everyone agreed that something needed to be said; something needed to be done. What happened next changed the Synergy WorldWide vision and was a major reason for the successful launch into Japan.

At this critical point, the founders stopped the discussion and struck a bargain: "We are all business people here," they said, "It is our philosophy at Synergy WorldWide to treat all of our Team Members with respect-as the adults, professionals, and businessmen that they are. In return, it is important that our Team Members feel that we can be approached on a professional level as well. If we can agree to be frank and candid when we express our ideas, we can deal with the real issues at hand and accomplish what we need to in this meeting." Everyone agreed, and from that moment the lines of communication opened, cultural differences were set aside, and barriers that once inhibited progress were torn down.

At this point, the Japanese Team Members made an interesting and insightful observation. They said, "To succeed in Japan, you only need to do three things: Deliver products on time; Deliver commission checks on time; and Get out of our way." It was the third comment that made the difference. The founders knew that success in Japan depended upon the timely distribution of products and commissions. The Japanese leaders knew that the true network marketers were the Asians, not the Americans, and that if Synergy would do it's part, they would be more than capable of doing theirs.

Time has proven them right; the Japanese are master networkers. The Japanese formula for success has been implemented from the very beginning; and now two years later, it is good to remember Synergy's roots and renew commitment to this formula.

Synergy WorldWide is committed to do it's part, to do it professionally, and to keep it's end of the bargain. As long as Synergy does this, the Synergy Story will continue to get better and better.

Synergy WorldWide is not just a success story, but a story that will continue to unfold with new and innovating ideas. Synergy has traveled a great distance over last two years, and with the opening of the United States market and the European market, it has come full circle.

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